Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Ulgrotha: Finishing Up

 Party: Sorval / Zantaroth / Iskren / Taurio / Vultha

Xivaskir 29th through to Griev 5th

Having departed the Dark Barony, the party heads for the Great Wood, eventually getting in touch with a Daughter of Autumn Willow and being granted access to the Labyrinth of Fog, where they discover and overcome challenges set by Autumn Willow herself, earning them the right to summon one of her fine servants, Little T, into combat if need arises. Throughout their journey in the Wood, they had shown themselves to be forthright, honest and martially capable allies, so Autumn Willow spoke to both Vultha and Zantaroth, taking the time to answer their questions, granting them direction and purpose.

To Vultha, she recommended the lizard to seek out Freyalise, elven goddess and defender of the wilds. To Zantaroth, she told a tale of a mighty dragon whose very essence was shattered and spread across the multiverse to prevent his return. She hinted at a place where a magical blade could be found, to which Vultha produced a treasure map once acquired from an old rogue, and the party plotted and planned.

Sorval sought to head to Strongrock, to find the allies that he and Taurio had persuaded to join the Boros cause, capable warriors who would be able to help Shademurk if the dark visions of destruction were true. The rest of the party would travel to the location of the treasure, seeking more power to take on the forces that would undoubtably oppose them.

The group faced a steep climb, up on the very foundation of an ancient civilisation fallen to ruin they trod, defeating winged beasts, ancient elemental guardians, parlaying with an angelic guardian, walking through a wall of spinning blades and eventually even defeating the dangerous entity known as Dakkon Blackblade. The blade, torn from the grasp of their defeated foe, was given to Taurio, who reluctantly took it upon himself to wield it, while a shard of raw energy pulsed into Zantaroth's very being, engraving him with the Mark of the Destroyer, making him a Champion of Vae Victis Asmadi.

Meanwhile, Sorval speaks to the allies, provides them with a general lay-out of the Shademurk and meets a tiefling on the run from vile entities seeking her death. The horned lady introduces herself as Mafara, a spellcaster of some ability, and expresses her thanks to the Boros hero.

The vampire formerly known as Baron Sengir made an appearance and helped the party to a final stop, reuniting them with Sorval and sending them hurtling through the Blind Eternities, where they came face to faces with a celestial serpent, that tested their alliances and their willingness to sacrifice things they held dear in order to reach their destination... 

Griev 6th

Our friends, their loads lightened in various ways, from coin to drinks to the bones of a defeated dragon, manage to pass by the serpent, finding the lands of Serra stretching out before them. They set out, except for Vultha who indulges in some crafting and improving his rapier, to carve a trail of carnage through things that oppose them. 
They learn of a race of trolls that follows "The Shard of Eternity" Brokkos, a massive mountain of a beast that trundles along the peaceful meadows of Serra, destroying everything in its path. While the angels devoted to the Radiant Lady have successfully held it back and even slain it on occassion, the being keeps returning to wreck more havoc.
Considering it not their priority, the group moves ahead to find a shrine to the Lady, which exerts an unnatural pull on her paladin, Sorval. 

Entering the shrine, the group discovers more trolls trying to gain entrance, but also a wicked ploy of the Orzhovian emissary, causing a delegation of Ravnican angels to be trapped in the shrine. Athra, an old ally of the party, tells Iskren in vague terms of upcoming trouble, which is reiterated by the Orzhov leader of the ploy, an unusual man known as Mikhael, during his fight with the party.
As the group faces off with him (after receiving the blessing of the guardian of the temple), they are hurled through space and time and find themselves not across from a mere mortal, but a crowned specter, who proclaims his place as the rightful heir and king of Ravnica.
Not deterred by this, Taurio causes great havoc and ends the future reign of this being before it can commence. In the commotion, Sorval snaps the crown in half and shoves part of it in his pocket.
Iskren, worried, slowly takes in the situation, as Vultha notices the spires of the Ravnican society around the graveyard the party seems to be standing in.

Griev 9th

The party quickly tries to find their bearings, discovering themselves in the lands of the Gruul clan known as Smash Smash, though it appears to have been taken over (after some careful thinking) by the Clan Slitz. 
The party meets up with Eyjafjallajökull who brings them to Ubrogren. Zantaroth puts his own plans in motion and takes Taurio up to the giant while bellowing a challenge. A fierce battle later, Sorval lops the head off of the Giant.
Now standing over the corpse of the Clan leader, the group eyes their winged friend with a mixture of awe and worry, for according to clan traditions...
this would make Sorval, paragon of Serra and member of the Boros Legion, the new leader of clan Slitz, the sneakiest reptilian gits...