Session: Sorval / Rollo / Iskren / Zantaroth / Taurio / Vultha
Xivaskir 10
We rejoin the group as they explore their surroundings and befriend the lizardfolk, who intimate their position as trapped in the ship - prisoners! A little initial shyness gives way to relieve as the party does not seem intent on torture or murder. A bit of scavenging before moving on rewards the party with riches though, as Iskren manages to open a small box full of beautifully cut sapphires.
Down one of the staircases, the party discovers a room covered in bloody glyphs, threatening to incinerate those who pass through the room's doors without proper permission. A rare moment of arcane understanding (and fire) happens to Vultha, resulting in one of the doors is unsealed and the party moves through... the party except for Rollo, that is. They see a cultist, who is promptly bulldozed by Taurio.
Moving through the next door (and the pulped remains of the cultist), the party see a demonic lady with a spear standing in front of them. She summons forth smaller demons to attack the party and battle is joined. Rollo, hearing the ruckus erupt in the next room, decides to take a shortcut, accidentally triggering a minor conflagration at his point of entry, destroying two of the smaller demons instantly. Sadly enough, this respite only lasts so long, as with each destroyed demon, new ones appear from near the table. Eventually, the party discovers a summoning circle underneath the table and disrupts it (courtesy of Iskren's water cannon jar), while the Cambion sees herself outmatched, strikes down Zantaroth, throws a bag she was carrying into a corner and attempts to run away. The escape itself is forestalled by the three lizardfolk, one of which is brutally impaled on the Cambion's spear, which proves to be enough to slow down the escape and lets the party catch up to and eventually Sorval winds up killing the being.
The disturbance wrought by the entire ordeal, and the removal of a purple 'blob' from a bag the Cambion was carrying, appears to have awoken something, as the entire cave begins to shudder, collapse and a massive eye snaps open nearby, leaving Iskren and Vultha in a leadership role as they use whatever tools they have to coax the vessel to life and into the fresh air. The party uses the time they need between the escape and landing at the Fogger to decide on the name of their vessel (The Onyx Fang).
Once they arrived to relative safety (courtesy of a horde of Boros soldiers), they found a familiar face ready to give their ship a good scrubbing. The surviving lizardfolk (who go by Firebelly and Ewolk, their companion Gizzard having been slain by the Cambion) were allowed to stay on board, expressing their lack of home (having failed a diplomatic mission means their life is probably forfeit if they go home).
The party takes a good look at the purple lump again, with Zantaroth trying to lick it, only to be called back to the side of Eyjafjallajökull who seems perturbed by it.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, a vision of Carthelion's symbol had formed in Sorval's mind during the escape. Whether it is a sign of an ancient binding being snapped or the party being protected, he cannot tell.
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