Party: Iskren / Taurio / Sorval / Amyas / Vultha / Zantaroth
Griev 9th
Amyas seeks to head out and inform his men of what is happening, thus guiding the party to the Fogger (the current Boros HQ).
On board of the Fang, the group quickly returns to their old ways, friends chatting with friends, some of the crew, rescued from the fighting in Shademurk, being glad to see more familiar faces.
-Firebelly and Flaxen Braid see Zantaroth as a powerful warrior and requests his aid in keeping their tribe safe, swearing to guide the barbarian to their Queen, in order for an alliance to be forged between Clan Slitz and the Burrows they came from.
-Taruviel Primeground (daughter of Gellan) is sought out by Iskren before long and the two have a pleasant chat about the disappearance of Gellan proper. Iskren learns Wellgar still holds the temple. While she is aware of the betrayal by Iskren, but seems more intrigued than repulsed.
-Krovek, on board, hears that Iskren has gained new abilities and interjects, expounding on the virtues of traveling alongside the great Sorval, going so far as to offer for free his gospel of Sorval to Iskren, to help their quest of understanding order. Sorval, in turn, interrupts his prophet and drags him away to save Iskren blunt force facepalm trauma. Sorval learns that the stories are close to what happened, with a plot where he ripped open the fabric of reality to save his allies from a collapsing mine and did not desert at all, before defeating an ancient vampire bladelord who now has to dedicate his service to bettering the realms. Sorval mentions Jared Carthelion and Serra, even going so far as to make mention of his new magical blade. Beyond that, there's a bit where Captain Ruddiger Absindek (who is said to be the cause of the wanted posted that makes life bad for Sorval) is brought up and verbally put down.
-Meanwhile, Taurio refuels his stock of Kefir and Vultha crafts a medallion for Taurio.
Taking Iskren apart for a second, Amyas discusses plans for the party's inconspicuous arrival in town, as wanted folk are at risk of arrest at the best of times. Thihm speaks to Amyas as he leaves the vessel, mentioning that he smells Taurio on the Fang, and asking permission to go claim the bounty he placed on Taurio's head.
Amyas runs back onto the ship, telling the group the mercenaries of the Irone Brotherhood have arrived at the Wicker Goat. Taurio and Zantaroth are then informed by Iskren that a group of warriors outside of the old temple would be nice for ... reasons. Vultha is asked to infiltrate in the same temple in order to help negotiations.
Vultha and Sorval also have a small conversation, where Sorval asks Vultha if he knows any Golgari assassins, Vultha responding that he may be able to get rid of the target in exchange for a favour.
Vultha and Zantaroth then have a talk, where Z wants to know Vultha's mind and plans, which seem to be heading into naturalism.
Before departing the airship, Iskren consecrates a room to Sengir, who then communicates with the cleric, telling her to be proud and hold her head up high, not to back down and to claim what is rightfully hers.
Afterwards, Iskren preps Vultha by casting a scrying spell to show him where Wellgar is. Sorval still walks up to the cleric, pats them and casts Death Ward, earning a measure of respect from the stoic cleric.
Taurio, Zantaroth and Amyas head to the Wicker Goat, getting in touch with the mercenary group, while Amyas pulls down the wanted posters. Finding Irone, the group gets introduced to the Brotherhood's translator Sharuu, as the mercenaries speak Ulgrothan and not Ravnican.
Sorval works on some armour projects while staying on board.
Vultha and Iskren make their separate ways to the Temple. Vultha enters, pretending to be a petitioner, eventually finding a spot in a votive box-chapel, with sights on Wellgar.
Iskren, however, enters the ethereal plain, together with little T, finding themselves surrounded by the forlorn souls of the debtbound...
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