Friday, February 7, 2020

The Vigilant Flame

Amyas / Taurion / Sorval

Notes from a bored barmaid

Quaegar 30
Quiet days, quiet nights. The new batch of recruits is coming in tomorrow though. 
It might be a nice change of pace.
Lisanne spent some time here drinking with Zlosky. He picked up her expenses for the evening.
Leaves her down about twenty zib, but she'll be good for it, she says.
Thihm sat on one of the barstools again. Broke it. Again. Charged him.  Again.
I get it, he used to be Gruul before being adopted into our ranks, but still.
Fresh faces cannot come by soon enough.

In what was to be a boring and uneventful first posting at the Vigilant Flame, educational only for the recently graduated, took a turn for the worse as a local crime-boss known as Grabbey Nimblefingers was arrested. The group of new recruits learned the lay-out of the gatehouse and met a couple of its fixtures, stopping to chat with the archer Lisanne and a grumpy goblin cleric going by the name of Gliss. Having been pointed in the direction of the local tavern, the Angel's Hand, they went there to quench their thirst.
While the afternoon gave way to the oncoming night, friends of the prisoner tried to break him out, leading to the new trio being sent out to stop them.

The last words of Hurl Nimblefingers

They was a group. Three. Dangerous. Very dangerous. One with a great axe. Smashing and cleaving. One with fire that burned. One with strange magics. They kill my friends. We was to break free Grabbey, but no. We have no chance. Still, we went so... you pay? You pa-

With the attention of most of the guard focused on the combat outside, a group of Rakdos cultists broke in, killed a few guards and assassinated the prisoner. The party, making its way back to the bar, noticed something was off and caused the cultists to call for aid... which came in the form of a massive demonic being.
Bringing the initial charge to a halt, the party managed to secure valuable time for the guards to regroup and chase off the demon.

Notes from a bored barmaid
Lisanne is up to her old tricks again, sending newlings in to pick up her tab.
Charged them ten zib for the drinks, each. They seemed happy to comply.
Paid in silver, mind you. Where the newlings get such money, I cannot fathom, but still... 
makes for an easy week on my end. 
Lots of ruckus outside come evenfall. I think I saw a demon fly by at some point.

The next day, the young recruits are held a little in shelter, as to not endanger them too much while structural repairs ought to take place. They stay at the Angel's Hand and chat a bit with Thihm, a minotaur barbarian who serves in the Flame as well. A cry of alarm ends this rest and the party rushes out to assist in defending an Azorius envoy from a Rakdos carnival.
In the end, having saved the envoy, Captain Zok gives the party his word he will write a recommendation to Archangel Razia herself, asking for their relocation to a safer post, given all the danger they were put it out here.

Notes from a bored barmaid

Xivaskir 2
They drew the attention of Thihm at some point. Poor souls.
Don't know why one would hang around with ... I mean ... he shaved his shoulder to get it tattooed?
Which self-respecting minotaur would do such a thing?
At least they kept him away from the barstools. 
Might have been the one that was with them. 
Thihm never really got along with the others. 
There was a huge fight out front. 
Turns out there really was a demon, brought an entire rakdos gang to attack some azorius chick.
Looks like the captain wants to be rid of those who bring this much trouble to his quiet place.
Pretty sure I will miss those bringers of silver.

From the office of Captain Avarius Zok

To Lady Razia,
Regarding: new recruits - transfer

An assault was made on the Flame in order to free a prisoner.
This was halted on street level by the new recruits (cadets Amyas, Sorval, Taurion).
Suppressing fire by soldier Lisanne.
Minimal violence resulted in four casualties.
No damage was sustained.

Under the cover of the combat, a group of Rakdos cultists infiltrated the Gatehouse.
The prisoner (number 354165, Grabbey Nimblefingers) was found slain.
Upon discovery, the cultists summoned forth a demon of great stature (currently recorded as number 354702, labeled armed and dangerous), which destroyed one of the gates before being driven off.
Use of force authorized by Sergeant Vaski.
Various casualties, including three of our own (soldiers Hiss, Fiss, officer Darvi).
Costs for the funeral services can be found attached.
Costs for the repairs can be found attached.

The passage of Lady Claudia of the Seven Spires (in function as High Arrester of the Lyev Column) drew back the demon with a small carnival.
Defensive measures were taken as soon as the ambush was noted.
The cadets fought alongside soldiers Thihm and Lisanne.
Medic Gliss was sent out alongside these.
Use of force authorized by both the Azorius representative and myself.
Minimal casualties on our side, opposing force destroyed.
Suspect 354702 fled the scene as his followers were routed.
Costs for repatriations due to fire and structural damage can be found attached.

In order to strengthen our forces, I request the exchange of the cadets for veterans.
The cadets would be well off gaining more experience in the Shademurk.
They are found to be reliable and capable of thought in face of a crisis.
I have high expectations for them.

Avariel Zok
Captain of the Vigilant Flame
The Winding Tunnel

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