Sunday, March 29, 2020

Shademurk: The Izzet A-Hotel

Session: Vultha/Rollo/Taurio/Sorval/Iskren

Xiviskir 8

Beware the numbers 4, 8 and 12.
-Tim'aee, golgari shaman

In the dark of night, the magic circle glows, and from it issues forth the voice and faint likeness of a Devarkin shaman, an old acquaintance come to see Vultha. Similar to Eyjafjallajökull, this walker of the old paths has had a vision of Vultha falling to darkness and shadows, seeking him out in order to warn him of three numbers and the lack of protection through the Guildpact in this area. Perturbed yet confident of success, Vultha listens attentively and watches Tim'aee disappear back the way he came, leaving behind a healing potion.
Having much to ponder about, Vultha lies down and returns to sleep. 

Am Gone. Get MucRkfish.

The morning dawns at a similar time for Iskren and Sorval, while Taurio is still snoring away. They do their morning prayers and wake the others, noticing the disappearance of Zantaroth. A brief discussion leads to them establishing this place as a safehouse, with thoughts of returning to study the circle more in depth.
A quick chat with the local guards assures them eyes on the house until they return. They try to convince Har-to Pro'Nouns to join them, but it feels not like going near the Hotel.

Welcome to the Grand Calculation, a First Rate hotel designed for Serious Researchers and the Exchange of Information. Furnished with All Conveniences and Three Bathrooms per Floor.
Izzet Membership or Letter of Recommendation Required.

Upon finally reaching the looming hotel, the party quickly bypasses a rusted fence, entering the ground floor with ease. They enter the lobby, which appears to house two massive spiders. Dispatching these, they set about exploring the entire floor, taking note of a barrel of fortified wine and finding a quiver, working in Selesnyan style. They proceed to the elevator, but upon its opening discover it contains a raging guard beast! A brutal battle follows and the beast is put down by Taurio's axework.
They then seek out the fourth floor, in accordance with a hunch Vultha has. The floor teems with skeletal foes and even the paintings on this floor appear to follow this theme. Iskren manages to terrify most of them into fleeing, while the remainder of the undead are put to the blade in short order, with Rollo singing encouraging songs. Finding little else, other than some coin and a marble jar containing some sort of medicinal ointment, they trigger an alarm before returning to the elevator and test their luck at number twelve, skipping number eight.
Here, they set about fighting a group of Rakdos Cacklers and a lot of outlaws, clearing the floor before taking a rest, bandaging their wounds and restoring their spirits. In a treasure chest, they spy a beautiful cloak with a leather hood, obviously both magical and protective in nature.
They set about to find the last stop in the upward trend, the eighteenth floor.
The theme of here quickly becomes is apparent as the party gazes at paintings of massive darkness, oppression and demonic intrusions, encountering a surprising number of Rakdosian demons, including a living shadow that appeared after opening a treasure chest. After dispatching these, they discover kidnapped folk, a Izzet-aligned noble named Vorquill, an Azorian bard Fredwick and a guildless stray named Henry.
Digging around a little here proved both profitable and dangerous, as a medallion is found with a curious engraving, featuring a stylised castle on one side and a skull on the other, but Rollo gets pounced on by an enchanted rug.
In the end though, the heroes prevail and talk about checking out the basement if they manage to get the released prisoners out to safety. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Shademurk: Beyond the Walls

Session: Rollo / Iskren / Vultha / Taurio / Sorval / Zantaroth

Xiviskir 7

I speak to thee in words of prophecy: In great heights danger lies, beware the fall into darkness. 

Oh, and if you see some Murkfish, bring them back to me. - Eyjafjallajökull

The party set out from the bandit hideout in order to reach the haunted mansion they had been hearing so much about. It loomed at the horizon, ever creeping closer as they went. 

The final hurdle between them and their goal being the massive metalworking district. 
They entered it and found themselves hailed by a newcomer, though no stranger to Vultha and Rollo, who recognized their clansman Zantaroth. Zanaroth, from his end, had been given a warning from Eyjafjallajökull, the clan Slitz shaman, to be delivered to Vultha. 
During his arrival, the party was set upon by a pack of wild beasts, fanged and ferocious. Taurio took the brunt of the attack and the group dispatched the foul things after a fierce struggle.

More and more beasts find their way North from the Murk and into our district. While the Boros do try their best, it has become rather dangerous to go out on the streets alone.


A young lady named Twila opened her door after the beasts were slain and offered her assistance to the party, after a brief chat with Iskren about the state of things outside of the walls of Shademurk. The party then decided to take a breather, bandage their wounds and head on out again. 

A little while later, they came upon a statue where two guards were stationed. The party inquired for the road, saw a little goblin fishing on the far banks and went back on their merry way.

Click clack, bones from the stack~

Click clack, minotaur attack!
-Rakdos Lampooner
As they were about to leave the metalworking district, they heard sounds of fierce combat. A boros patrol had been set upon by a Rakdos Jester and his pet undead minotaur. Two guards fell to the massive axe wielded by the monstrosity, but the might of our heroes combined proved too much for their foes. In shock over the deaths but grateful for his own survival, the remaining guard could but warn of dangers ahead and watch as the party went towards the old Izzet hotel, as they had come to learn that this was their target.

Yes sir, there was a group here to relieve me of my duty. Two Boros guards. They were right there. Errr... My pay is going to get docked, isn't it?
-Lubgrun, Boros guardsman

In the very shadow of the towering hotel, the party met a pair of guards and a mischievous faerie dragon named Har-to Pro'nouns. Learning of a thief holing up in these parts, the group was quick to inspect a few buildings, discovering a mad cultist holed up with a floating demonic beast that shot deadly beams out of eyes attached to tentacles. 

Luckily enough, the combined might of our tired heroes still won them the day and earned them a bit of spoils and a spot of rest.... near a magical circle that grants access to a myriad of other worlds!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Shademurk: Of bars and Ambushes

Players: Vultha / Iskren / Taurion / Sorval / Amyas

Xivaskir 6

It seemed a late hour for calling on the master, but I am under strict orders to welcome whoever the Obzedat sends. In humble opinion, this newcomer seeks to join the ranks of the bog wraiths ere long. - Erves Hulgren

As the party is leaving the house of Eda, Iskren bids the party good night and heads to the mansion of Gellan Primeground, whom they know is the Orzhov representative in this town.
Once there, Iskren meets the head butler Erves Hulgren and the maid Thaya. Iskren then proceeds to try and get some more information out of these two employees of the Primeground Estate, but discovers them to be a little distrustful of outsiders with many questions. Erves does manage to secure an audience with Gellan and a sleeping space for Iskren before his guest turns in for the night.

I have seen many an unusual lizard but this one takes the cake. He just sat there, carving away with that wicked knife of his. I did not even dare go to that table until, what I assume to be, his parole officers arrived. Maybe there should be a 'non-gruul' policy in the bar. -Resa, barmaid

Vultha heads out alone as well, though he makes sure the party knows where he is heading: The Wicker Goat, a drinking establishment the party passed by on their way to the Council Hall. Once arrived there, he grabs a private booth, a sharp knife and a few from the bones of slain foes. Under the moderately aghast gaze of an unfortunate serving wench, he proceeds to fashion arrows from this material until his friends arrive.

"I have a spear" - Tyl, guard

The rest of the party, ill aware of the time, decide to head for the Boros Tower, a massive complex that sticks out of a nearly empty square, silhouetted by the light of the moon and immersed in a cloud of foggy steam that seems to cascade down from the very stone itself. They encounter a guardsman but discover little of worth from conversing with the man, though they do learn of the Boros Barracks, which provide sleeping accommodations for off-duty legionnaires, and of the local commander: Eliander Fireborn. They then take the long walk to the Wicker Goat and meet up with Vultha.

Do you want an orange? - Ojay

Arriving, they note their ally has no beverages on the table, but is carefully putting away a dozen white arrows. Joyful at the lack of attackers marring their journey from Eda's place to the Goat, the party orders a decent amount of local wine, a sweet white, and eventually spot Lisanne unwinding with four other guardsmen. While at the table, local historian Frances Moore gets acquainted with the others, Amyas, after excusing himself to go to the toilet, encounters Ojay, an entrepreneurial Goblin with an orange, returns to the table and finds Ojay still following him.
The party then spends some more time at the Goat, eventually drinking a little with Lisanne, before retiring for the night at the Barracks.

Xivaskir 7

Outside of the walls, one can find the Shambles. Though one would probably be better off nót finding the Shambles. - Guidebook for New Murkians

Iskren wakes from a nice rest in the morning, only to encounter Gellan at the breakfast table. Being furnished with a vast array of potential foods, Iskren modestly picks out a light snack and holds their own in a conversation that touches the local politics, ambitions and culture. Gellan warns Iskren not to worry too much about 'the obsession' of the mayor with the Haunted House but rather to focus on troubling things within the walls of Shademurk proper. Iskren implies a distrust of the serving staff and requests to only have their room serviced by Thaya, whom they are familiar with.
The cook at the mansion, Feliza, gets a visit from Iskren too, after learning she might offer missions that benefit the Orzhov operations in Shademurk. She requests that Iskren procures the liver of a Devil Toad.
Iskren then hails a one-horsed cart in order to get around in style and is brought to the Barracks by a charming gentleman with a top hat and tuxedo.

"Ah, friends! Do you want to buy an orange?" - Ojay

The rest of the group wakes up early, but later than Iskren, aided in this by someone viciously attempting to murder a bassoon next to their beds and summoning them for morning drills. 
Vultha gets to go eat breakfast in the mess while the others train. When the exertions are over, the party is fully reunited. They swap stories briefly and head out to find the Haunted Mansion, realizing they have no clue as to where it would be located.
Much to their surprise, the top-hatted gentleman driver of Iskren's ride is none other than Ojay!
Rapidly refusing his further services, the party returns to the Boros Tower, gleam some insight at a job board and discover the location of the Haunted House.

"They were a group. Five. Dangerous? Very dangerous. One with a great axe, three magic users and a rogue. The others? Dead. They took the treasure and everything. C'mon man, you gotta help me out, we did this because you asked us to. Either you help me out or I go tell fucking Eliander myse-" Ricko, a rogue

Sadly enough, their questions and reputation precede them and they walk into a trap set by a group of brigands. Luckily though, the brigands underestimated the might of a group of guild-trained warriors and paid dearly for their mistake. The sole surviving bandit is forced to give up their hideout, treasures and key before escaping, badly injured.
Then, the party continued their trek towards the Haunted House in order to discover what secrets it may hold.