Sunday, March 29, 2020

Shademurk: The Izzet A-Hotel

Session: Vultha/Rollo/Taurio/Sorval/Iskren

Xiviskir 8

Beware the numbers 4, 8 and 12.
-Tim'aee, golgari shaman

In the dark of night, the magic circle glows, and from it issues forth the voice and faint likeness of a Devarkin shaman, an old acquaintance come to see Vultha. Similar to Eyjafjallajökull, this walker of the old paths has had a vision of Vultha falling to darkness and shadows, seeking him out in order to warn him of three numbers and the lack of protection through the Guildpact in this area. Perturbed yet confident of success, Vultha listens attentively and watches Tim'aee disappear back the way he came, leaving behind a healing potion.
Having much to ponder about, Vultha lies down and returns to sleep. 

Am Gone. Get MucRkfish.

The morning dawns at a similar time for Iskren and Sorval, while Taurio is still snoring away. They do their morning prayers and wake the others, noticing the disappearance of Zantaroth. A brief discussion leads to them establishing this place as a safehouse, with thoughts of returning to study the circle more in depth.
A quick chat with the local guards assures them eyes on the house until they return. They try to convince Har-to Pro'Nouns to join them, but it feels not like going near the Hotel.

Welcome to the Grand Calculation, a First Rate hotel designed for Serious Researchers and the Exchange of Information. Furnished with All Conveniences and Three Bathrooms per Floor.
Izzet Membership or Letter of Recommendation Required.

Upon finally reaching the looming hotel, the party quickly bypasses a rusted fence, entering the ground floor with ease. They enter the lobby, which appears to house two massive spiders. Dispatching these, they set about exploring the entire floor, taking note of a barrel of fortified wine and finding a quiver, working in Selesnyan style. They proceed to the elevator, but upon its opening discover it contains a raging guard beast! A brutal battle follows and the beast is put down by Taurio's axework.
They then seek out the fourth floor, in accordance with a hunch Vultha has. The floor teems with skeletal foes and even the paintings on this floor appear to follow this theme. Iskren manages to terrify most of them into fleeing, while the remainder of the undead are put to the blade in short order, with Rollo singing encouraging songs. Finding little else, other than some coin and a marble jar containing some sort of medicinal ointment, they trigger an alarm before returning to the elevator and test their luck at number twelve, skipping number eight.
Here, they set about fighting a group of Rakdos Cacklers and a lot of outlaws, clearing the floor before taking a rest, bandaging their wounds and restoring their spirits. In a treasure chest, they spy a beautiful cloak with a leather hood, obviously both magical and protective in nature.
They set about to find the last stop in the upward trend, the eighteenth floor.
The theme of here quickly becomes is apparent as the party gazes at paintings of massive darkness, oppression and demonic intrusions, encountering a surprising number of Rakdosian demons, including a living shadow that appeared after opening a treasure chest. After dispatching these, they discover kidnapped folk, a Izzet-aligned noble named Vorquill, an Azorian bard Fredwick and a guildless stray named Henry.
Digging around a little here proved both profitable and dangerous, as a medallion is found with a curious engraving, featuring a stylised castle on one side and a skull on the other, but Rollo gets pounced on by an enchanted rug.
In the end though, the heroes prevail and talk about checking out the basement if they manage to get the released prisoners out to safety. 

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