Session: Iskren / Rollo / Sorval / Vultha / Taurio
Xiviskir 9
The party agrees to split up after getting the reward from Eda, their purses bulging with coin.
A Lizard's Tale
Vultha decides to head out and get some information from Ojay, discovering the best place to get his crossbow upgraded: the Carpenter's Guild. Arriving there, he sees most of the employees are actual faeries, a rare sight, and he accosts the first one he comes across. The faerie introduces himself as Jilar Kanklesten. They barter for a bit, settle on a price and Vultha is redirected to the 'leader' of the guild after paying in valuable gems.
Shortly after entering the offices of the guild leader Jilar Kanklesten, Vultha discovers that the one he was talking to earlier might not have been completely truthful about either name or intend.
He does manage to get his name and project on a waiting list.
He proceeds to take Evvi Kanklesten, daughter of the guild leader, hostage after making sure all present are aware he is a dangerous individual. Eventually, Evvi is set free.
Walking into the street, he meets Azorius arrester Pharom, who managed to grab the confidence trickster and returns the precious stones Vultha paid with to their rightful owner. A brief caution for dangerous behaviour later, Vultha starts towards the Wicker Goat to meet his friends.
The Dragon and the Minotaur
Rollo took a stroll to wind up in the Wicker Goat together with Taurio, but the pair splits up shortly after entering the establishment.
Probably still reeling from the excitement of the hotel, Rollo sits in on a dice game and tries out his new set of dice. These, being loaded, get spotted by some of the other clients and, in spite of trying to bluff his way out of it, nearly get Rollo arrested for cheating. Luckily enough, he has enough coin on hand to make the patrons turn their eyes the other way. A brief musical intermezzo does little to lighten the mood, as the Dragonborn bard is all aflutter with nerves after such a close call.
Taurio, on the other hand, heads straight up to the third floor, where the off-duty Boros tend to hang out, meets Thihm in the company of Erbo and Killim, a twin pair of minotaur beat cops. he attempts to regale them with his adventures, but fails to make a huge splash, as most of the story was already known to them. It does, however, limit his spending by quite a bit, as a few pints of ale are passed his way while he makes the rounds amongst the other guardsmen sitting there.
The Acolyte's Adventure
Iskren, having claimed the mysterious stone from the hoard of the bandits, returns to their lodgings at Gellan's Mansion and has Thaya draw a bath for them. A bit of essential oil and a bottle of wine to restore the spirits are provided as well and relaxation is had.
When Iskren exits the bath though, they notice something being off. A chill, the feeling of being watched. Checking the window, they see a large arachnid leg flit by. A more thorough investigation reveals small indentations that appear to have been burned into the wall where eight legs touched it.
Disturbed, Iskren gets dressed and heads to the Wicker Goat to inform the others.
The Ideal Officer
Having been told to get a component pouch by Feather, Sorval heads to the Boros Barracks to do just that. He has a brief chat with Beorzin, a guardsman standing watch at the gate, before heading into the barracks and discovering Lisanne has been appointed to the office of Quartermaster. She, in turn, is glad to see her young friend return with gear from the fallen Emberfist. She allows him to keep the longsword the party had come across and swaps a shield for a component pouch.
Happy to have this done, Sorval goes off to see the others at the Wicker Goat.
A Gathering
With all their respective concerns attended to, the party meets in a private booth on the second floor of the Goat, swapping tales of what has befallen them. Thihm, sitting in without being asked to, merrily chats along. The presence of the minotaur reminds them to visit Eliander Fireborn, so they pay Ojay to take them to the Barracks.
Iskren has a short heart to heart with Beorzin, who offers up a large amount of alm-coins, to be distributed among the poor, a task which Beorzin implies is not seen to out here. Wheels are spinning and Iskren might just have found a way to ... improve ... on the current arrangements out here.
Eliander, once the party meets up with him, explains the situation for which he calls upon the party: a body has been found, an Izzet male, with the eyes gouged out and tongue removed, a note attached to the body and a pair of blood-stained Boros uniforms stuffed underneath. Having few people to spare, he would have the new recruits look into this. The party accepts and goes to inspect the corpse.
Sorval, examining the body, notices a poisoned wound in the chest, deducing the poison to be a slow acting one. He also sees, plainly, that this victim was the Izzet noble Vorquill, whom the party rescued from the Izzet Hotel. This puts the note ('We know who you are, you cannot escape us') at the forefront of everyone's thoughts.
Grabbing one of the assistants, they learn of the location at which the body was found and make tracks for there.
The Underground
At the scene of the crime, a bit of sleuthing gets the group to a trapdoor, which in turn leads to an unnatural cavern. Within, the party find both traps and enemies. A hatch that explodes when opened is their first mistake, an unspotted water-trap their second. A third problem lies in the elimination of a massive gas spore, leaving a great many of their number poisoned. Then, they are set upon by three simic hybrids, creatures that were probably once elves, but their forms warped and altered through biomancy. A brief, yet violent struggle ensues, leaving the party injured, but victorious, with a tunnel leading deeper into the earth ahead, the noise of running water coming from it, and a fistful of treasure added to their inventory.
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